Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies when you use our website.

Privacy policy is last updated and posted on 16th October 2023.

If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at  insurancecruzer[email protected]

What information we collect?

Your Privacy Matters

We collect some information from you when you register on our site or via our app, fill out a form, or make a comment on an article.


When visitors leave comments on our, we collect the data shown in the comments form ( like visitor name, email). We manually approve comments, once approved, your profile picture & comment get visible to our site and other people can also ready your comment, and also, another visitor can reply to your comment. Once your comment is published, it will be retained forever until you request comment deletion through the contact form.

If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

We do not sell, any kind of comment information.

Contact Page

Only we provided you email address for contact. We do not use any kind of contact form.

Visitor website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors for the enhancement of our website. means the founder of this website can view Analytics of This website which is provided by google analytics. The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information. You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information

Other cookies may be stored on your computer’s hard drive by external vendors when this website uses referral programs, sponsored links, or advertisements. Such cookies are used for referral tracking and typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer.

We use Cookies

We use cookies and/or similar technologies to analyze customer behavior, administer the website, track users’ movements, and to collect information about users. This is done in order to personalize and enhance your experience with us.

A cookie is a tiny text file stored on your computer. Cookies store information that is used to help make sites work. Only we can access the cookies created by our website. You can control your cookies at the browser level. Choosing to disable cookies may hinder your use of certain functions.

If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.

Amazon Affiliate Program

Our website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon offers a small commission on products sold via their affiliate links and each of the purchases you make via our Amazon affiliate links supports our site.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?

We do not sell, trade, or transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties. We may release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site or app policies, or protect our or others’ rights, property, or safety.

What rights over your data

If you have an account on this site or have left comments, you may request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You may also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

Those websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content.

How long we retain your data

If you leave a comment, Once your comment is published, it will be retained forever until you request comment deletion through the contact form.

For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profiles. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.


We use Google AdSense and Amazon Advertising on our website.

This website may contain sponsored links and adverts. These will typically be served through our advertising partners, who may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve.

Clicking on any such adverts will send you to the advertiser’s website through a referral program that may use cookies and will track the number of referrals sent from this website. This may include the use of cookies which may, in turn, be saved on your computer’s hard drive. Users should therefore note they click on sponsored external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.


We do not intend to collect or knowingly collect information from children. We do not target children with our services.

How we use your Personal Data

We use your Personal Data in order to:

  • provide our service to you (for example this could be registering your account, providing you with products and services that you have requested)
  • enhance customer experience
  • improve our website in order to better serve you
  • fulfill an obligation under law or contract
  • provide you with information that you have requested or which we think may be relevant to a subject in which you have demonstrated an interest

External Links

We have no control over another site once you have left and landed on another site, then it’s their privacy policy comes into action. We won’t be able to control a user’s privacy on another site. We are also not liable/accountable for any loss/damage occurring as a result of activity on another website.

Your Consent

If you are using our site or our app, that means you are consent to our online privacy policy.

Privacy Policy Update

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. You should review this Privacy Policy from time to time.

This policy was last modified on 16 October 2023.